It’s certainly been a momentous week. As we write, not only has the UK electorate voted to get out of Europe, but the England football team has also been unceremoniously kicked out of Euro 2016 by Iceland. Whilst the repercussions of both exits will no doubt be felt for years to come, we’re sure both … Continue reading Brexit: They think it’s all over…
Category: Corporate Investigations
Corporate Investigation comments
We know the referendum result: and that’s a fact.
Have you decided how you are going to vote in the EU referendum? If you haven’t, you’ve got just under 2 days and 7 hours until the polls close on Thursday to make your mind up. One of the main complaints we’ve heard from voters is the lack of facts being presented from either side. One the … Continue reading We know the referendum result: and that’s a fact.
From a London Private Detective -Taking the register: No Man’s Land
Just before Easter this year, quietly, almost by stealth it seemed, the government announced its plan to privatise the Land Registry. You might be asking if this matters. Well, dear Reader, it does. Established 150 years ago, the Land Registry holds the title deeds, and hence ownership details, of more than 24 million properties across … Continue reading From a London Private Detective -Taking the register: No Man’s Land
Due Diligence: All in due course…
One of the services we provide as private investigators, is pre-employment screening and due diligence. We know people lie. Let’s face it, we’ve probably all exaggerated our achievements at one time or another, in a bid to secure our dream job. And a little exaggeration can be fairly harmless. According to a recent survey, 38% … Continue reading Due Diligence: All in due course…
Cyber attacks: Happy Talky Talky?
You may recall the cyber attack on Talk Talk last year, in which it was revealed after investigation that some of their UK customers banking and personal data could have been accessed. According to government research, it is estimated that two-thirds of big UK businesses have been hit by a cyber attack in the last … Continue reading Cyber attacks: Happy Talky Talky?
A Female Private Investigator: More Than a Woman
Here at Anderson Chance, we have been using female private investigators ever since we started our private investigation business back in the Dark Ages. Yet even today, women are still viewed as unusual in this business. Private investigators are traditionally viewed as men, but here at Anderson Chance we have always valued and appreciated the … Continue reading A Female Private Investigator: More Than a Woman
Tracing people: Reunited and it feels so good…
A couple of years ago, we were contacted by an old school friend, inviting us to a school reunion. Once over the initial shock of somebody remembering us from school, we were flattered by the invite. Then it dawned on us that they were probably only contacting us as a private investigator, in a bid … Continue reading Tracing people: Reunited and it feels so good…
Banking fraud: Been scammed? Don’t bank on compensation.
There are few types of fraud cases that this private investigator has not seen. As Fraud investigators we take many calls from people like the poor couple featured in this article: Unfortunately, in many cases of fraud such as this, we can only offer advice as to how they might be able to pursue … Continue reading Banking fraud: Been scammed? Don’t bank on compensation.
Super Injunctions: Gagging to know the truth…
As private investigators, we are well used to dealing with internet security issues, whether that be in terms of online fraud, blackmail, corporate intelligence leaks and so on. We carry out in-depth investigations into such matters on a regular basis. And increasingly, our prenuptial and matrimonial investigations also involve analysing and using social media. Private … Continue reading Super Injunctions: Gagging to know the truth…
Top Tips: How to choose a Private Investigator
It is impossible to predict when you might need the services of a private investigator. Let’s face it, it’s not something anyone really ever thinks they will need. But should you find yourself in need of a private investigator’s services, how do you go about selecting a good one? The nature of private investigation work has … Continue reading Top Tips: How to choose a Private Investigator